Hello 2020, A New Decade

Hello 2020, A New Decade

Hey there! Good evening. It has been a while since I have written a blog post on my website and I wanted to change that. I'm going to be honest, it was tough thinking of content to post on a weekly basis and I think that's what contributed to me stopping last Spring. Since then a lot has happened so I wanted to write a little 2019 summary post and let you know what is happening in my life. I have reflected on the past year and having been reminded of just how much I did in 2019 by my Photos app on my iPhone, I was blown away!

My Trip to Virginia

My Trip to Virginia

I visited Virginia (and travelled to West Virginia too when there) for Xmas and New Years 2018-2019. I have decided to split this post into two sections because there was so much to talk about vegan food-wise that I'll speak about those another week. This post consists of all the touristy things, enjoy!

Why Apply for USA Summer Camp?

Why Apply for USA Summer Camp?

I've spoken about working at summer camp before on my blog but I wanted to focus on some key elements of why it is one of the most valuable jobs you will ever have. There are so many reasons why you should work at a summer camp and I don't think I'll be able to cover them all in this post but I would love to hear what you think are the best aspects - please let me know if you've worked there before!